Highland Spring - Dog Falls, Glen Affric - new edit

Highland Spring - Dog Falls, Glen Affric…

A revisit of the footage from Dog Falls in Glen Affric. Originally captured in April 2023, but I needed to apply some of the editing and colour grading skills that 12 months of further practice and learning have provided me with since the original video was created…

A slower more chilled edit this time, with a more relaxing piece of music, and perhaps we have managed to capture the essence of Glen Affric during the early spring in the Highlands…


Stunning, I see why you love visiting Scotland so much, I don’t usually do envy but definitely envious of those who get to visit these stunning places or better still wake up to it as that’s there home.

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Thanks hon… It is truly beautiful up there, my heart longs to live in the Highlands, but the finances just aren’t there yet… Perhaps a few more years and it will be possible…

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