Horse Sand Fort

Out to either Spitbank or Horse Sand, and back, isn’t difficult. Done both, and Spitbank 3 times on one battery - the round trip is just under 5 mins.

Yet to try No Man’s Land from the mainland. It’s actually closer to the IoW.
Needs still air and a very healthy battery. (Especially on my old MP with old batteries.)

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Next on my list too. Fancy doing that one together? Be fun to film another drone flying out. I’m gonna land on the helipad too :slight_smile:

… not quite making it back.


I’d need to do some prep and find out which of my batteries are most likely to make it.

The wind remains the MOST critical … and least predictable … factor.

A theoretical 18 min flight with theoretical 22 min max flight time, is not a huge margin to play with … and I can’t really afford multiple wasted journeys to Southsea from Eastleigh hoping for the required flat calm.

All that said … it has been something I’ve been thinking about since my Spitbank and Horse Sand flights over two years ago.

I’ve always wanted to fly out to The Needles Lighthouse helipad (from the Island), and never been sure about the consequences of all that metalwork (although it’s difficult to see how the one on NML is actually constructed - I’d assume it’s also steelwork) …

  • “magnetic interference” may cause it to refuse to take-off, and
  • for the distance to NML fort … would it have any impact on connectivity.

Good point, I may just do a circle and come back after all!!

Let’s keep an eye on the weather and keep in touch. :+1:
Chances are it will be an early morning - though there were some interesting days last week.

In the mean time, I’ll do some “full to zero” hovers and select my candidate battery …in readiness.

Keep meaning to set up Litchi circles at speed to do better in-flight simulations of battery life … :thinking:

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Must remember that Litchi over-estimates flight time needed.

“Proper maths” makes it far more doable. #FamousLastWords :laughing:

2.65 miles = 5.3 mile round trip = 21.2 mph to manage it in 15 mins.

Now I’m less anxious!

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Probably not tomorrow …



I’m gonna take a little flight out today about 5:30, as reconnaissance. Wind will help the homeward leg and can hug the water on the way out. I could do with a bike ride anyway!

Speed record attempt over water? Go on, you know you want to :rofl:

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This morning would have been good … still is, currently …

… and I’m only in Gosport (since 4:30am) taking pics.
Shame i can’t get the car on the ferry.