How accurate is the wind speed in the UAV Forecast app?

If Ventusky is reporting 47 mph and UAV reporting gusts of 46 mph … I would say the app is correct then :man_shrugging:

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That’s what is really bothering me. I flicked into sports mode at point G, that’s where the drone started going sideways instead of straight back.

I don’t believe any forecast - but I do look at Ventusky.

Rather than gusts, I look at the 30m and 100m wind speeds - knowing the latter most likely won’t be reached at normal flying heights.



So Ventusky shows the gusts as opposed to sustained?

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Not according to Airdata, which states point H.


I know that’s what it says, but that’s not what happened. Which is why I’m now confused. Sorry if I sound like I’m being a dick, I’m not trying to be and I appreciate your input. But I flicked into sport mode when I realised things were going wrong. When they continued to go wrong I decided just to land and get wet, muddy feet. Why would I go into sport mode after innitiating a landing? To be fair there was a wee bit of panic set in, so I could be inventing things in my head. Quite often happens to people in panic situations.

But why also no warnings for wind, gimble overload, or for the props not being able to turn? Please don’t tell me I imagined them too? Maybe I had too much red wine at the weekend :joy: :joy: :joy:


Are you sure you didnt flick it into Tripod mode thinking it was Sport mode by accident? Good to here you didnt lose her in the bogs anyway :+1:t2:

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Although I do seem to recall a bug on the Mini2 where when you flicked the switch it made bugger all difference to which mode you were in. Im sure @ianinlondon made a video about it. Ill see if I can find it


Heres the video but doesn’t sound exactly the issue you had but does sound a little similar


"Are you sure you didnt flick it into Tripod mode thinking it was Sport mode by accident? "

Yeah but I was also sure I wouldn’t have a daughter turning 18 two weeks ago and letting her boyfriend “sleep over”

Thanks for all the input folks. I guess I really need to do a little more risk assessment in the future. Still, I got my photo and no drone was harmed. Might take my shoes a few days to dry out but that’s the least of my concerns :joy:

Trees for me… :rofl:

“if the canopy is thrashing the drone is crushing”

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On-site assessment is where it’s all at.

But, deciding to even leave home and drive out of “my” FRZ has to be done with reference to online information.

The FRZ has one bonus - an accurate weather station. And being in a large open area (funny that, eh? :stuck_out_tongue:) the wind reading are both accurate and better than my weather station (anemometer above the chimney pot) the air flow isn’t hampered by buildings in the area.


Use windy if you want to see other forecast models at different resolutions or just invest in a cheap anemometer.

It’s what I thought as I find it happens to my mini3p and air s2 and always flick from cine to normal to speed and back again as what it says on the screen does not relate to controller until I take these steps.

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He did. The RC N1 defaults to N mode when you turn it on no matter what you left the mode in when you turned it off. I always switch it to N mode on startup then to C mode when Im taking footage.