How accurate is the wind speed in the UAV Forecast app?

With regards to wind speeds?
Just had a very close call and a very boggy walk accross a field. App said 20mph, mini2 going backwards in sport mode says app is talking shite!

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Only as good as the model it derives from (probably GFS), probably quite coarse scale as well and won’t account well for local microclimate.

Grab an ÂŁ20 anemometer of amazon, and look at local actual weather stations instead of the model to be more certain. Living in a coastal area UAV Forecast is wrong almost all the time, the only thing that changes is how much by. Good for general weather trendd though, I also look at Windguru and Windy to see what the different models are saying

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Wind can be very localised.

It is windy near me due to hills - but 200 yards away it is much calmer.

Does it feel windy? That is often my test. Not scientific, but all the app gives me is an idea.

Half the time, I will wait for a high wind warning.

I myself don’t go by any forecast, I do have UAV Forecast installed but I trust my own judgement by looking at the trees for low winds and the clouds for high winds and alot of commensense.

These wind monitoring device to me is as good as wetting your finger and holding it up in the air.

To be fair I did know I’d be pushing my luck. I was only 10 to 15mtrs up, took 3 photos and then got wind warnings. Flicked into sport mode and descended. I ended up just landing there and then rather than trying to fight it and risk a flyaway. Fortunately it only went a very short distance and missed all the boggy puddles that my feet didn’t while I was retrieving it. I’ll have a look at the flight data tonight.

I’m also by the sea and UAV is wrong at least half of the time, both under &.over estimating wind speed. I use a weather app to get an idea of the weather but 2 very tall trees near the house are by far the best indicators.

Ask @clinkadink ;o)


Mmhhh, that’s a bit weird. Airdata shows no warnings. I had a wind, gimbal overload, and props cant turn alarm. Not enough flight tine to get any stick data either. It also says I landed or began landing before changing to sports mode.

@mynameisjoe trust your instincts
and commensense, don’t be frightened of wee bit of wind but definitely allow extra time to get back to you and normal keep distance short, go into wind this way it will come back fine, understand doing some of the stuff in winds that the gimble will distort or freeze. when I get wind warning is to drop the height and if it’s continues bring it home.

Look at @ianinlondon YouTube videos he’s done great wind tests on drones and he’s done it on a real blustery day.

EDIT: Any day it’s damp wee rain or snow I definitely don’t let my bird out to play, and I don’t take near a beach on a windy day as i was going to take it out at a wedding on a beach as they wanted a nice group picture but decided not as if my eyes and mouth getting it and car full of sand I did not want it over my bird :+1:

I was trusting my instincts, I’ve flown in some pretty nasty winds on top of the lecht, glenshee and other places where the wind has been rocking me on my feet. You don’t have much option to not fly in wind in Scotland, so you have to get used to trusting the drone and knowing what it can do. This time caught me out or something went wrong. It’s a brand new replacement and this was only it’s second flight. I’m hoping there’s not anything wrong with it. I’ll need to wait for the wind speeds to drop and take it for a decent run out with four batteries to make sure there’s nothing untoward going on.

UAV Forecast has proved accurate enough for me :wink:

If you see me in ATTI mode … it is windy.

Its a forecast and meteorology is an inexact science! :grinning:

Personally, I prefer using Ventusky. Much easier to see what and when.

Yip I get that.
But to say 20mph and the drone get blown backwards while in sports mode? That’s a pretty big discrepency.

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Was 20mph showing for “Wind” or “Gusts” in UAV Forecast?
Was this set to ground level in UAV Forecast?
What altitude were you flying at?
What does Airdata weather show?

UAV forecast showed 20mph sustained winds and gusts of 46mph and yes set to ground level. I followed your link, zoomed into the location and set the time to 1pm and it shows 76kph (47mph). I’ll share the link for airdata shortly. I was flying around 30ft agl, but would have been at least 1000ft asl. Outside the hotel having a pollution break so I’ll get the laptop fired up when I get back to the room.

That’s not the exact location above, I’ll get that shortly

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Yes, but this could just be the constant wind. It could have been gusting 75% more, e.g. 35+ mph.

Example below, 21 mph but gusting to 36 mph. Makes a hell of a difference, especially with a sub-250g drone :wink:

Sorry, I made an edit while you must have been typing and sending your last post.
The constant speed was more like the gusts, otherwise I should have been able to fly back between them. Unless of course they were really long gusts. It’s not a huge problem, I safely got my drone back and I’ve learned a lesson in the process. What’s got me thinking now though, is the fact I had 3 warnings on screen, but nothing recorded in the flight data?

As far as I can see in your Airdata, you were in Tripod mode for the whole duration of your flight, apart from the last second, when you flicked it into Sports mode.

Tripod mode + 47 mph … I am surprised you still have the Mini 2! :grimacing::rofl: