How fast is fast?

So I’ve got a TBS Source one V5, with the help of many on this forum… IT FLIES! So thank you all for that.

Now then, I’ve got Speedybee f405 stack, iflight xingE 1900kv motors, 6s batteries, and 5x4.3x3 props. I’ve done no tuning whatsoever. I’m getting 135kph - does that sound right? I only ask because I had a cheap 3inch Tryo79 pro 4s which touched 160kph!

Do I need a higher pitch props at the expense of flight times?
(My 14 year old son is obsessed with speed!)

Sounds about right for a 6S. It gets complicated with aero, and power, and weight, etc, etc. Could try lighter battery for more speed, what mAh you using on that?

PS top speed on this forum for any drone (and in this case is a self built), was 160mph, that was with bi blade props, 4S motors with a 6S battery, and would likely catch fire if flown like that for more than a few seconds!


tagging @SirGunner :laughing:

I think @clinkadink could best that with a couple of Estes D12’s strapped to a mini …

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Thrust you can trust :wink:


Ooer missus

I never knew that was printed on the packets now !

Ahhh the good old ESTES rocket days, many a day me and my brother hooking those out of trees!

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I bought some rocket motors, igniters and a cheap FC few years ago.

Plan was to strap them to the Disco and ignite at full speed.

Never had the bottle to try it though.

Well I expect this at the big meet next year then!!

I’ll certainly try it if someone volunteers to hold the other controller and fire the rockets.

Shove it on a switch heh! I’ll volunteer any help required :slight_smile:

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It could be the first drone in space :grinning:

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Some tips?

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I’ll watch that later :+1:

I have 2 D12 motors.

Initial plan was to put one on each wing but if one fails to ignite it will spin.

Was thinking both under body.

It’s only 12N of thrust combined but its not trying to overcome gravity as its already in flight and the aerofoils providing lift.

I’m really not sure what will happen.

If we could make sure another wing is following and filming before ignition please :nerd_face:

We will all be following :grinning:

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