How often is the search function updated?

Just wondering how the search pulls in information.

For example the Utilita Bowl is not found, but is on the map. The old name of Ageas Bowl is found.

So not sure if this is a database somewhere that is out of date?


This search function Ian?


Good question :smiley:

When you type something in there, Drone Scene queries a service provided ESRI on the fly, it doesn’t store or cache any search data, it’s all the latest data available from ESRI at the time.

How long ago did it change its name?

My local stadium renamed a couple of months ago.

No trace on the new name:

But the old name is still found:

I’ll see if I can find out how often ESRI update things like this, but knowing how huge multinational corporations work please don’t hold your breath :blush:


About 6 months ago.

But thanks for looking

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I used to have this problem with my old road atlas … :laughing:

Something I actually found, the other day. How things have changed!

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