How often to do change the oil in your drone?


Ha ha love it.
I was thinking WFT.

“Why For thou”?
“Wet Feet Therapy”?
“Wonder Forests Trees”? (Oh that’s my 3 word password…)


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Dyslexic What the F*&^
Stable Horse Battery password :slight_smile:

I’m pretty sure it never mentioned oil changes when I did my A2 CofC … I’ll have to get the user manual out :thinking:

Get a full refund for the serious omission.

DJI recommend every 50 miles, but I go with 100 as you know these manufacturers!

Can’t find the filler cap on my orange thingy. Where can I stick it.

Answers on a post card to…

If you’ve got that much of a leak, check your oil filter is on tight enough, and that your sump plug is to the correct torque setting. It only takes a few seconds to check, but saves a lot of heartache and mess later on. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


That’s obviously an old British drone.

Fun to fly until the oil crisis in the 1970’s… then the Japanese took over.

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being a land rover owner, “if there is no oil under it, there is no oil in it…”

…they all operate on drip lubrication…

looking at the colour of the oil I’d have said it was past economic repair and I’d recommend cashing in or a care refresh

I know a fellow xkcd’er when I see one @bmsleight :wink:

That’s a slick pic :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

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