I almost crashed my mini2 drone, seconds away from disaster!

Ive been flying my mini2 for just over three years now, flown 252 miles with 49 hours of flying and never crashed it, last Sunday I had my closest moment to a crash while flying sideways in an arc I just had a feeling that I was about to hit something so decided to slowdown and yes I was right it was a GSM antenna cluster. As you can see two seconds later and that would have ended badly!

This weekend I will be buying the mini4 pro.


It certainly was - congrats on you quick reaction.



A close shave indeed…

Out of curiosity, these towers are not inconspicuous… How did you even mange to get that close to it all of a sudden?

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Great save :+1:

Very close indeed. It could have been difficult to retrieve if you had crashed.

Yes scary that, never had such a close shave

Amazed that happened tbh as I always plan my flights and start by making sure I’m above anything nearby so I know that I can safely fly sideways without worrying.
I’m picking up my mini 4 pro in 30 mins so at least this kind of thing won’t happen again

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I’m exactly the same… Carry out a quick risk assessment first. :+1:

If you ever need to explain to someone the reason for flying in VLOS . . .

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My drone was actually almost directly above me 130ft could clearly be seen but at that exact moment I was going sideways looking at the screen. I always check before I fly to make sure I’m above anything where I’m going to fly but I guess I got it wrong it it had lost some height as it was windy on that day.

@comedyhunter why portrait? perhaps Landscape would have been better for peripheral… :man_shrugging:


I just wanted to get it uploaded, yes the video is landscape I just reframed it for a short