Irresponsible Flying?

What I want to know, is where were the lens cloth police when you needed them…? :oncoming_police_car:


Damn right. Schoolboy error.

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If those shitehawks were that bothered they’d have kicked that little drones ass into the sea. Anyone who’s ever flown at a beach will tell you seagulls are feathered hard Ba*tards that take no prisoners.
Nice skills though.


Excellent skills. What happens with these types of drone when they go out of range? Do they just drop?

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You start to lose video first before control so you get warning… Rx loss means you’re in the drink


Also, the majority who fly these type of models, myself included, will have RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) in the OSD. This value is also sent back to the transmitter which will emit an alarm when the value becomes low but before the connection is lost. But yes if the signal is lost altogether the quad will disarm but not immediately, but after about 1second so as not to disarm if the connection loss is only intermittent.


Although Nurk managed to get BetaFlight to activate Return to Home upon RX loss which looks like a pretty good idea?

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Yeah I have gps rescue, but when @Steviegeek had a go and crashed it, it failsafed (I had a bad tbs antenna). I wondered why the rescue didn’t kick in.
Looking at the dvr, the quad was firmly planted upside down and the props where spinning crazy. It was trying to come home but couldn’t right itself. :sweat_smile:

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Awww! Like Lassie… :dog2: