Is Betaflight Worth Updating

Just realized iv not updated BF to the latest version question is, is it worth it ???

@BigDog We have edited the title of the post, this is to make it searchable and keeps the forum workable

If its a bind and fly they’d have tended to tune it for that version. It can be a pain to tune to a new version esp if the manufacturer hasn’t published a new config for newer versions.

Having said that the default BF tune these days is great for 5 and under inch quads and spot on.

I guess the main question is what feature does a newer feature bring YOU? I.e. I wouldn’t run DJI on less than 4.4 now, due to the OSD things 4.4 brought esp for for the HD systems. So I’d go through that.

You can always save you config and make sure you have the right firmware to downgrade again and give it a go.

Even Bardwell mentioned last week he wouldn’t bother for a BnF, unless there was this killer feature (and for me it’s OSD)… So…

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