Is there a reason other users cant add their own images to locations already on the map?

Apologies if this can be done or if its already been discussed, ive tried searching but cant see an answer.

I do it all the time on google maps, I find a location I want to fly at and photograph, then I scroll through other peoples photos and videos of that place to A) make sure its actually worth the visit and B) get inspiration for compositions and help plan some shots before i get there.

Anyone can add images to the forums posts for locations, as well as places to park and TOAL points

In fact we encourage it

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I’ve just gone and done that for a couple of places👍 maybe add an option to attach a photo when you click “I’ve flown here” to encourage it some more?

We will pass that to the IT department for discussion ;o)


Is there a reason other users cant add their own images to locations already on the map?

I think the reason is simply because nobody has asked for it before now :blush:


But wouldn’t that then clogg up drone scene with all the images that are on here already. Especially for popular spots.

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Depends how its implemented. It could be done so you click on a spot and it pops up exactly how it is now except the main image can be swiped to show other users photos of the location. From what i understand DroneScene is aiming to be the all in one solution so having the other photos show there rather than having to go to here eliminates that extra step.

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But isn’t that why there is a link on drone scene to bring you back to the forum, where the location can be discussed and share pictures


A bit like then Google Maps then :thinking:

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That’s a very good point Steve
Solution seems to already exist :+1:


Droescene is the resource but its as much about the community.

We listen to all suggestions and way up the pros and cons (and if its possible)