Issues with the throttle range on INAV

I’m still having a slight issue with the throttle range, when I go into auto launch mode, I only have to raise the throttle a tiny bit for the motor to be way to high. Further more when you simulate the second stage of the launch the motor absolutely screams and when stopped it feels warm even though its only ran for a few seconds .

I understand I can alter the Launch Throttle in INAV but once in the air will the throttle scale drop back to a normal range?.

@BigDog we’ve edited your post to give it a more descriptive title.

Have you set your idle throttle and launch throttle as discussed along with a hand held hover test? If you have then what you are describing sounds as if it is ESC calibration
But I thought you were running DSHOT 150 or 300 which do not need calibrating :man_shrugging:
Perhaps you need to use BLHeli configurator to reset the ESC’s to factory default.

Yah iv turned my throttles launch down to 1500 still feels like it has enough thrust, and yah using DShot 300 but will look into defaulting in BLHeli …good shout :+1:

Yah looked into this and BLH doesnt give me any option, so just have to see how we go…

Bardwell did a series on what are the best settings for BLHeli are
Or I can send you the defaults I have

Do you want to bring it down and we’ll try and figure it out together?

If you flick them over that would be great , I don’t think I’ll be going anywhere for a few days due to being sick… wouldn’t won’t to pass that on to you mate :face_vomiting: but thank you for the offer :+1:t3: