It’s arrived, can’t wait for a fly around

Thanks Phillip, I’ve watched loads and can see it’s supposed to be quite frustrating but apparently once it flips it intentionally cuts out then you start the rotors and take off immediately.

I dunno, think I’ll try it in a pool 1st where there’ll be no swimming needed :cold_face:

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… unless it sinks. :grimacing:

There’s always one that wants to jinx it :joy::joy::joy:

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The word “waterproof” has that sorted.

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Well it’s had a tiny outing. Didn’t go far.

I’m just chuffed I didn’t stack it.


Wooohooo! :+1:

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Need some Memory cards now so I can record.



I believe the model before it was able to selfright itself in water if it turned upside down which is strange if the newest model cannot do this, could have been just bad look with the guy in the video I mansion to you.
If you ever do have to swim to get your drone back it is much better than my M/air that would sink to the bottom if it ever came down on water. Enjoy your flights

I landed my Mavic Pro on water once. Just once.