Between the start of the Challenge, 00:01 Sunday, October 20th and 21:00 Saturday, November 2nd create a photo on the theme of Transport using any non-drone camera.
Show us the picture by posting in this thread
There will be a poll to decide the winners shortly after the challenge closes until 22:00 Monday, November 4th. Photos other than your entry and general chat about the competition are encouraged but please indicate the picture you want to enter with “THIS IS MY ENTRY”
Details are requested. As a minimum:
Date and Time
Camera (and lens) used.
Other rules may be added in the light of experience
So IWitCH needs to continue by a ratio of two to one voters, If only it had as many participants as those who vote each week!
And it looks as if our seven voters have decided between the to pictures. In second place is Richard @Kirky with his Snapseeded bus, first place goes to regular entrant and winner Jim @Kings (you have to be in it to win it) with an aircraft at the runway threshold in what seems to be a gusty crosswind.
Thanks to both of you for entering. Congratulations to you both!