Julia's First Fly

Well I love digital.

Thanks to @RestlessZombi and @doctormako inviting me out to test drones. Lots of in-field word by Jason to get our drones up. Including some M2 screws. Great company.

Such a buzz off the first flight, then was going through gaps soon after. I might need to invest in more batteries.

Walksnail rocks @notveryprettyboy ! Silly thing the arrow to show where Home/take off point. The resolution. Wow Wow Wow . Can wait for my lens to be delivered.

Love it. Julia.


Nice flying, and it’s great when the confidence builds.
I love Walksnail too.

Love how quick you got into Digital! :slight_smile: From the Big Meet days losing the analogue signal over and over, you now on the digital bandwagon! Awesome isn’t it?! :wink: hehe

18 week from maiden analogue to maiden (own) digital flight. Just 15 weeks from Big meet to digital bandwagon. 26 weeks 1 day from first flying my mavic mini to digital bandwagon.

Seriously - thanks everyone here: from the forum encouragers, the Big Meet people (allowing me to fly there drones @gunja99 @notveryprettyboy) and other to getting me out of the house @RestlessZombi I was really anxious flying my first mavic flying [ Max Altitude 8.6 m at 7mph] to now flying my own drone at over 70mph.


It works both ways, heading to my local field for a few hours flying in normal on my DJI FPV to taking the day on abandoned golf courses flying manual with friends.

Big difference in enjoyment and confidence that have been had in the last few months. It wouldn’t have happened without @bmsleight 's meet ups events.

While I can say i have spent time in the simulator learning to do it, its a big difference to be flying it with your own custom made drones.