Last minute meet up - Sow Brook Park, Lymm - park not ship canal - 2pm Sunday 15th October

So you got one then Suzanne, good on you, told you it was batter than gettin a Mavic 3. Try the head trackin it’s good stuff. Hope were gonna see you hitting a few gaps👍.

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Thanks, you were right, an AIR3 and an AVATA is a better combination for me than a MAVIC3 Pro - although wuold still like one of them - and overall with the discounts I got cheaper too…

Hoping to get good enough to hit some gaps, tomorrow is about learning the basics tho, but who knows, there may be a gap or two at slow speed… Start slow and build up…

You bought it! Congratulations and happy flying!!!

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Thanks Marcus, looking forwards to learning how to fly it and perhaps have it up to Scotland next year…

I might be there but it won’t be till about 3pm

Cool, I think we will be around for a couple of hours, so hopefully see you there :slight_smile:

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Well, that was fun, cold but sunny - although field very wet…

Have to say I love the AVATA, flying at 50cm over the ground at high(ish) speeds and through the rugby goals, orbiting them and the tree ‘islands’ was fun of the highest order! I am definitely a convert to FPV - although will still do the cinematic too… Now, how do I get hold of more FPV drones without hubby getting upset - oh yeah, needs to wait a while yet though :slight_smile:

Attended were -


Can someone please issue their badges…


Good fun meet up :slight_smile: loved flying the Avata

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Was fun, and great to see you both and Wayne as well :slight_smile:

Hoping to have some footage edited tomorrow morning for posting tomorrow :slight_smile:

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and I forgot to give you your sticker :rofl:

Will have to give it me next time… Just when it turned cold it was time to go, I think we all were chilled and needed to retreat at that point, but it was good to fly together and share our first Avata memories :slight_smile:

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Nice to see you goto play with the AVATA Suzanne :clap:

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Thanks Mick, it is an amazing bit of kit and very instinctive to use I loved skimming above the grass at speed and hurtling through the goals even had the head tracking and sports mode on not bad for first day flying FPV and no motion sickness amazing fun!


Sorry I’ve not been able to attend any meets this last month or so, I’ve had a few personal things going on.


Thank you for organising another meet-up :smiley:

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Hope everything is alright for you hon give us a shout if we can help…

No worries, with the weather good and a new AVATA to play with it just had to be done :slight_smile:

Thanks for issuing the badges :slight_smile:

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@AlbionDrones and @Banjonic

This the Ham file to put on the sd card in the goggles to give you FCC (180 Bytes)


Thanks Wayne, much appreciated…

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Thank you Wayne :slightly_smiling_face:

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Sounds like you all had a good afternoon out :blush:

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Yes, it was fun to see everyone and to play with new drone for the first time… Althuogh definitely getting to autumn, the temperature dropped significantly by the time we fiished…