Last minute meet up - Sow Brook Park, Lymm - park not ship canal - 2pm Sunday 15th October

Anyone fancy a quick meet up tomorrow afternoon, about 2pm for an hour or two? Going out to play with our AVATA, so a chance to see us make fools of ourselves!

Thinking of just flying in the Playing Fields rather than walking down to the Ship Canal as it is still very wet out there…

Please let us know with a post if you are coming, just so we know who to expect :slight_smile:



We will be there :blush:

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Hi Suzanne, I would really love to see you guys again but I’m in London after a visit to the Royal Albert hall.

Got my Operator ID today, upgraded to GADC insured membership and ordered my stickers. Going to go shopping on Monday so may be ready to fly next weekend :crossed_fingers:


Hi Alan,

Not to worry, I am sure we will have many chances to fly together, I’m afraid next weekend we are away to Skye for a week, hopefully lots of drone flying, weather depending!

Good luck with the drone purchase, exciting times, and well done registering and getting the GADC insurance, its really good value…

Will see you soon - there will be a couple of locatinons to fly in early November for folks to ,meet up, if the weather gods smile on us, so hopefully we will see you then - or perhaps someone else may organise something for next weekend while we are away?

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Cool, see you then, you will probably be already masters of the AVATA by then, so we shall sit in awe of your skills and try to catch up :slight_smile:

Enjoy having a play with the Avata - unfortunately I can’t make tomorrow afternoon - looking forward to seeing you all another time.
Cheers Paul

Not to worry Paul, catch you next time :slight_smile:

Enjoy Skye.

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Oh we shall, lots of amazing scenery to play in and time to spend with friends… and one night on Lewis and Harris, fingers crossed for decent weather…


have you setup the goggles and joystick with your other drones yet?

suggest giving it a go, I do enjoy the m3p in FPV as 30mins of flight time is crackers for an FPV on 1 battery

not sure about tomorrow at the moment, requires management permission (happy wife, happy life)

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Not set them up yet, but will have a go tomorrow…

Totally understand the need to keep OH happy, if you make it then it will be good to see you, if not we will catch you next time :slight_smile:

It was good fun but not an expert, I kept flying through the rugby goalpost :rofl: and around the clumps of trees.

Cool, perhaps we will get good enough to have a chase?

Got this coming for the AVATA - for night flying in the woods… Got to give it a go, need to do a review tho as its a freebie :slight_smile:

Never shopped on Aliexpress, but the light looks awesome, reminds me of Johnny Five Robot

Just looked at those Suzanne on YT I’m not sure your be overly impressed no disrespect, however right beneath the video I watched was these, which are much much brighter but quite pricey at $149.00 :grimacing: ouch
Here’s a link

These are the ones you’ve ordered below

Thanks Rich, we shall see, its worth a go, and tbh if I have £150 to spend on something I probably wouldnt be spending it on lights for the AVATA when I could be getting the FPV Remote and a spare goggles battery for the same sort of price…

I understand, was only looking out kinda thing,
I’m pretty sure if you or someone could find out what the bright lights are & see if there’s a 3D print to hold the lights for the avata.

Yup, I can vouch for that. Was like a drowned rat at work yesterday. Can’t make tomorrow but have fun

Well, lets see… worst case scenario I have a light housing to modify…

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Not to worry, catch you next time :slight_smile: