Legal flights in Anglesey, North Wales

Hi all, wondering if there are any flyers from North Wales that know of good flying spots that are legal on the island. Just moved here and looking for places to get some cool footage. TIA

Hi Adam,

Welcome to GADC. Be sure to check out Drone Scene, it answer’s this very question - and a whole lot more.

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Hi, thank you I have done but they hardly ever say anything about permissions.

If you steer clear the of the red areas, you’ll be fine.

If you select any of the coloured areas, it will show you detailed information about the restriction.

But, rule of thumb, red > don’t fly, amber > you can fly, but keep your eye out for hazards stated in the description.

And if you really need to fly in a red zone, Drone Scene provides the necessary contact information to request permission.

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Hi thanks I was aware :slight_smile: I am meaning land ownership, private land etc. I will update the post I am trying to find places you are allowed to fly without permission, or where I can ask permission.

Ah, understood. Thought you meant airspace. For public land, try OS Maps.,-4.40566,11

Anywhere on the foreshore

No worries thanks for trying to help! I will check that out thanks mate.

Cool thanks Chris.

What is the reference on that site I don’t see a key ?

If you click on the layers icon in the bottom right, then select Greenspace, you will see the Key.

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Ok thanks. That sucks, doesn’t seem to be any where to fly.

You were right good shout on this.

"We grant permission for UAD flights over Crown Estate foreshore (defined as the land between mean high water and mean low water).

This permission is subject to all operators complying with the applicable laws, statutes, regulations and codes, as well as the requirements of The Civil Aviation Authority, and obtaining any other necessary consents for the operation of UADs.

On occasions, third parties such as Government agencies or local authorities may restrict the flying of UAD’s on Crown Estate land. We therefore recommend checking with the appropriate authority to ensure that no such restrictions are in place.

To find out which areas of foreshore we own, please use our Foreshore and Estuary Ownership Map. "

Literally all the shores.

Or use our very DroneScene the layer is on there.

I wouldn’t get hung up on land ownership too much, work on the theory of if you’d walk your dog there your safe to fly there


Thanks for the info. I am setting up a social network currently, I wonder if you may be interested in having a chat about a collaboration? I am assuming you are part of DroneScene?

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Parys Mountain Copper Mine is worth a visit

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It is privately owned which I found out after a number of flights. I have contacted the owners to explain and ask for permission for in the future but have had no replies.

That doesn’t surprise me but if your drone is <250gm, plenty of road space to park 'n fly.

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