Lickey Hills Monument Lane
That takes me back 50 years!
When I was at Uni I lived with friends, for the first year, in the house that’s now Hillscourt Hotel, and was a small prep-school at that time, just down Rose Hill.
Amazing shoot And there is so much history there
Nice shot, what does the monument represent? I did try and Google it but only come up with story’s of Mr Cadbury the chocolate man and all his wealthy friends funding the park…
So i believe it represents Mr Cadbury but Also the lives lost from the area in world war 2 but im not 100% sure on this, There is a lot of bunkers hidden in the woodland
I love a good hidden bunker! I spend a month digging some out that habnt been touched since the 1950s our boss took all of the glory in the papers (article below)
oh wow that is crazy , he may of taken the credit but you and your team was the 1st people in there for many years
Yeah, and without hijacking this thread too much, the stuff we found was fascinating, . 303 rounds (bullets), rations, parts of radio equipment.