LiftOff Times

Well, i managed a new PB


happy to see I am not too far off - this was with a 5" race quad (pictured) :slight_smile:

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Current top times

Schnauzer_FPV - 00:52:101
Smudge202 - 00:59:270
GunjaFPV - 1:12:893
New_Wave_24 - 01:38:451
LloydRey - 2:18:702

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From last night, not sure if that’s still my PB, but it’s probably not far off.

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Current top times

Schnauzer_FPV - 00:52:101
Smudge202 - 00:59:270
GunjaFPV - 01:12:893
Earwig - 01:37:952
New_Wave_24 - 01:38:451
LloydRey - 02:18:702

Is there a multigp drone or some other spec racing drone available for liftoff? Something we could all use to level the field.

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Current top times! Come on @LloydRey :smiley:

Yeh, I agree with @Schnauzer_FPV - think we should pick a drone out of the official templates (or get a more modern one we agree from workshop) if we want to keep top times :slight_smile: Something not too racey so that it’s actually flyable.

I found the drone you used in your OP, @LloydRey and that thing is a dog! :sweat_smile: It has reverse throttle and what felt like a suuuuper expo throttle curve too!

Haven’t had a chance to really sit down and better my times, will try tomorrow afternoon guys

I always seen to over shoot the first gate the first left on straw bale. It does my head in. I find that if i get that one then the rest of the race goes well

I managed to put 3 laps roughly together - took a while :smiley:
same drone as I used to practice

I managed this with the Dquad Obsession 5", we could use that as the GADC Spec racing drone

Wow - I was not aware I had so much room for improvement :sweat_smile: - I agree it is a good quad, handles very nicely and plenty quick enough :slight_smile:

Need to get in on this! I’ve only flown in Velocidrone and Uncrashed but this might have convinced me to add Liftoff to the collection :sweat_smile: Just joined the discord.

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Trying to decide how much wine is too much wine to accept this challenge… :joy:

Ooooof that’s tough, not far off 100% throttle the entire way. Nice spec drone though!
EDIT: I had all sim details turned on including battery sim which is why my laps get slower; battery dips.

To be honest, flying at the speed required to make the times @Schnauzer_FPV and I have posted, unless you’re planning to go fully into drone racing, is utterly useless skill to transfer to actual drone flying. I would never in a million years fly my drones anything like this, and I don’t think I gain any all that useful muscle memory from it either.

In answer to my own question… the whole damned bottle! :joy:

Moving the goalpost I see :sweat_smile:

That would be right up my alley :smiley: - I have always enjoyed chasing lap times tbh - specially in sims when there is literally no risk associated with it :smiley:
Almost looking forward to next winter now :wink:

Yeah myself as well

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Current top times

Smudge202 - 00:49:963
Schnauzer_FPV - 00:52:101
Cedric - 01:07:517
GunjaFPV - 01:12:893
Earwig - 01:37:952
New_Wave_24 - 01:38:451
LloydRey - 02:18:702