Looking for shipwreck locations around the UK

Hello I am putting together a big list of shipwreck loacations on google maps so that if im in the area i can stop and take some photos. If anyone can save me some time researching and just let me know the coordinates of any local to you that would be great! My list so far only covers the south coast of Wales so anywhere other than that would save me a lot of time.


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for some reason it not displaying so cut the h off


Its an embed link so wont work nicely on the form, below is clickable to the content


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Thanks guys thats exactly what i was looking for. :+1:

The wiki article does show some wrecks around the UK but it is a very short list and seems to be confined to naval vessels.

Two sources that may help in establishing a personal list are various diver guides such as the one I used for many years:


The problem for photographing wrecks with a drone (I assume that is the reason behind your initial post) is that most wrecks are underwater, only a few are exposed at all times or at certain states of the tide.

You will find Admiralty charts a useful source of information. They are rather expensive but fortunately are often used as decoration in waterside pubs! You could always while away an hour or so looking at a chart on a pub wall while enjoying a pint. And when the locals ask what you are doing you can ask them about the wrecks they know of …

The charts conveniently show wrecks as visible at all states of the tide, part of the tidal range and fully submerged. This gives all the symbols used on UK Admiralty charts, here is the section most relevant to you: