Read it all even the bit where it was the mother that nearly knocked the chick out of the nest. AND a drone may not even have been involved.
Complaint gone into the BEEB.
Read it all even the bit where it was the mother that nearly knocked the chick out of the nest. AND a drone may not even have been involved.
Complaint gone into the BEEB.
seen two people flying a drone in the area
Yeah not seen flying near the nest how big is the area
I like the part they say hidden in the article. The Brenig Osprey Project’s post went on to say it was not 100% sure the drone was responsible.
What pisses me off, i keep hearing presenters on the news saying BBC VERIFY HAS CHECKED THE INFORMATION, on some reports.
Response from the BBC:-----
Thank you very much for getting in touch.
Please be assured that accuracy is of the utmost importance to us, and it is never our aim to try and sensationalise any issue to create ‘clickbait’. It can be genuinely difficult to sum up the nuances of a story in the space allowed for a headline, which is 50 characters including spaces. This is why we do consider it of the utmost importance to explain fully all the salient information in the opening paragraphs – which we believe made clear that it was possible drone disturbance that led to the mother nearly knocking the chick from the nest.
Nevertheless, we take your point on board, and have circulated your complaint to our team of journalists for them to reflect on. We listen carefully to feedback and value knowing when audience members feel that our output has fallen below their expectations.
Thank you very much for taking the time to write in.
Yours sincerely
BBC News Website
BBC Complaints Team
And my reply to that.
Thank you for your reply.
The headline still indicates that it was a drone that knocked the chick out of the nest, not the mother.
Therefore, I will be forwarding this complaint to ofcom, as you have failed to address the complaint that the title is blatantly clickbait and grossly misleading
But still blames the drone and intimates the drone hit it.
Can’t take it to OfCom until it’s been escallated up the BIAS Broadcasting Charlatons.
so up it goes.
2500 acres