M2P - Propeller Guard Mounted Warning - help

Just been for a quick flight up at the local fields and had this keep popping up. I’m not particularly worried but would like to know why. :thinking:

Did you have prop guards fitted Steve :thinking:

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No, mate nothing fitted just the drone as standard :thinking:

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The more I see of all these spurious warning on the more recent models, the happier I am with my almost 4 year old MP with almost 3 year old firmware.

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What’s the ! on the SD card ?

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No idea, I’ve always had that too :thinking:

Quick google thing said card too slow, what you got in there (apologies on off topic)

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Don’t apologize mate, be good to know why that is too, it’s a SanDisk Ultra

For next time you really want a U3 for best results (4K and all that shit)

SanDisk Extreme 64 GB microSDXC Memory Card + SD Adapter with A2 App Performance + Rescue Pro Deluxe, Up to 160 MB/s, Class 10, UHS-I, U3, V30



Thanks Chris :ok_hand:

:smirk: hopefully that’s that warning ironed out :+1:t4:

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I was gonna add keep an eye on them they go as low as £11 on occasion

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:man_facepalming:t4: Bull in a china shop. It’s one of those mate, if I need it, then it’s worth buying. :ok_hand:


Just taken it up and down a few times back home in the garden, and no prop guard warnings. :ok_hand:
Maybe the rotors clipped the grass or something when taking off in the field earlier which fooled it into thinking it was carrying guards. :man_shrugging:t3: Who knows. But I’ll be taking my landing pad next time.


@milkmanchris new card in and SD warning gone! Thanks for that :handshake:

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The other red one means charge the battery, no need for a new one ;o)


There not £13 then :man_shrugging:t3::man_facepalming:t4::frowning::rofl: thanks again mate, I’ve never had a problem with my footage (that I knew of) never occurred to me to look into it. :warning:

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