Maiden my Dolphin but not sure what went wrong

Had x2 attempts at maiden in the dolphin today and went vey wrong. As you can see from pictures below it didn’t go to plan, first attempt the auto launch didn’t kick in. So on second attempt I forced it then launched it, still didn’t hit the sky more like the ground with flames coming off it…

Not sure if the ESC was man enough? Or I had over looked something, please feel free to comment as I need to understand where I went wrong…



Ouch!!! Sorry to see that, you must be gutted.

Cheers mate yah but you have to take the rough with the smooth, more gutted Iv got rip it all out and start again as it was a really clean build very few wires showing…

Esc should have been man enough. What battery were you running.

6S 1300 mha, think above might be on to something, I wounded if something pulled loose on the 1st failed attempt and touched on the second like main battery lead ??

Sorry to see that.

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Just going over my FC settings for the Dolphin and wondering why I can’t change the launch velocity ?? Tried multiple times but won’t change…

Looks like your missing set and underscore

Set is on the line above and the underscore are there just the red squiggly lines are in the way… but thanks :+1:t3:

Have you finished by typing save? Caught me out once or twice.

No mate just clicked on the bottom ( save settings ) but will have a go now, thanks for getting back to me on this :+1:

All sorted mate thank you :+1:

What dod you do to sort it.

Type save :man_facepalming:

I thought you hit save settings

Both work :slightly_smiling_face: