Main waterpipe hit & burst!

captured this round the local area yesturday,
the developers used there Digger and caught the main waterpipe and low n behold 10 houses roughly destroyed aand 1 or 2 ghetting the majority of the brunt! enjoy the onsluaght that ensued!


I bet the digger has never been cleaner!

That is some burst. I bet the digger driver was not given exact details of where the pipe was but he will be blamed all the same.

Oh he was as after they did theres a vid on tiktok of his mate explaining where the pipe ran. :astonished::upside_down_face:

The amount of water coming down on those house… Can you do another video showing the after damage?

Reading a news report, 10 houses flooded, most of them evacuated.

Looks like they used your footage

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Congrats on your new Celebrity badge Mike @Airlessmean :smiley:

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ill wear it like a badge of honour hahah