Just watched this.
Apparently the mandatory update for the FPV drone if you connect the drone to the flyapp has now been put out for the Air2s and the M3
Keep your phone/tablets on flight mode guys before you connect to the flyapp and also turn off auto updates and auto downloads.
I tried watching this but there were too many mid-roll ad’s that I gave up. However Ian covered it all in his own videos.
It was earlier hypothesised that DJI forced the FPV Drone update because some clever peeps had gained root access to the goggles and have now published the hack. But as DJI have released similar firmware for its camera ships I think it is more likely targeting the third party APPs that increase the functionality of the drones. Either way it’s unethical and has caused more problems than it has solved. There are some Mini2 users whom have reported that since updating they no longer have connectivity between the controller and drone, but this could be attributed to user error rather than the FW itself.
DJI appear to be having a rough time lately, f their own doing. There were the issues with the M3 coupled with its low volume of sales, and now this FW fiasco. Add to this speculations with Aeroscope and DJI’s relationship with Russia and its reluctance to follow other tech companies with respect to sanctions. There’s some interesting reading in this Forbes article.
Just a thought🤔. This got owt to do with the Ukraine thing. Lotta Dji gear being used over there, Ukraine drones being hit with Aeroscope ‘mishaps’, but not the Ruskies ones🤔? . Dji (China-we are friends of Putin, use him and Russia till we dominate the world, then nuke him🤔) introduce a firmware what no-one knows nothing about, it’s just in the coding, rolled out in a blanket swipe to all of their own drones but the Ruskies have a pass on the updates?
I have been doing some digging and apparently the Drone Tweaks hack still works after the update.
Florin says the update takes out NLD and Drone Hacks and the ability to use the root exploit for the DJI goggles. But his app still works. @Steviegeek can you confirm the fcc still works after your update of the A2s?
Hi Wayne
Updated AIR2S to v02.04.2150
Running DT FCC App v1.4.8
FCC mode still active, (~1km marker is above -90dBm)
All appears to be OK, will fly it later today.
I’m being offered FCC App 1.5.4 but not updated to that yet. silly issues with old web browser on the phone