Evening - I’ve filmed quite a few churches over the last couple of years, and post to youtube and a few facebook groups (as well as on here of course); and had a message recently from one fb group saying they were uncomfortable allowing me to post said church videos as I am clearly assisting criminal gangs in stealing lead from the church roofs.
I did speak to a police detective I know about this and he said thieves are using there own drones and detailed satellite images to select their targets, not spending their time searching youtube and facebook for videos.
I was wondering if anyone else had experienced anything similar, and how they replied to it?
Up to that point I had received nothing but positive comments. It’s only a small fb group, but I do like to make every effort to show drone flying in a positive light.
surely if thieves are using drones to their lead.
Then airdate would easily solve the crime.
Everyone leaves a data route map on all their drone flights