Mavic 2 Camera Swap

Has anybody heard anything more about the option that DJI had touted to have the Mavic 2 cameras swapped?

I went for the M2Z as my first drone. At the time, reviews were fairly evenly split as to which was better so since it was a few hundred £ cheaper I went for the zoom.

Not got any complaints (though I really don’t use the zoom nearly as much as I thought I would) but I suppose I do have just a bit of lens envy.

I’m increasingly intrigued how much they might be charging for the swap. I’ve seen a few videos showing how to swap them yourself and it looks very simple, so if you ended up with both I think there might be some temptation there for me.

Or they might say it’ll be £700 and I’d be cured of the lens envy :wink:

I’ve read that it’s easy to do yourself - once you’ve sourced the other camera.
Chances are ebay might have some by now.

I believe it’s just 4 screws and a couple of ribbon cable connectors … and that would be far cheaper than getting DJI to do it … and they’d probably not send back the old camera.

Search YouTube - I know I’ve seen a video of someone doing it … and it was something I’d have done had I got either.

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Holy smoke! Search YT for “dji mavic 2 camera swap” and there’s loads!

I would be really pissed if that happened, besides, surely (unless they stated that your old camera would not be returned) that’s theft?.
Besides you have already bought it !.
I certainly would not be returning mine under any circumstances!.
Rather do it myself and chance it.

Remember - they don’t do any repairs in Europe - they go back to China and you get a new replacement.

So - camera change - old one goes back to China and they send you the other.

Edit: They’d call it an “upgrade” or something.

Yeah, I’ve seen a couple of the cameras on eBay… around the £600 mark which made me stop and wonder if it’s really worth it. Also, I’d be worried that I’d be buying a fake and never know.

It’s a heck of a lot of money - more than 1/2 the cost of the M2Z. I wonder if we have any members who might have an insight as to how close that is to the price that authorised repair centres would be paying for the part?

Hmmm - I bought a complete MP camera/gimbal for about £70.

(Actually - it was faulty (wouldn’t focus), got full refund but they didn’t want it back - merged the two into a fully working unit … for free! :+1:

ebay are pretty good - after the vendor wanting to pay a partial refund, they took a hold of the case and I had the refund within 15 minutes.)

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i’d rather save up an buy the new drone and be done with it.
In my case a M2Z !.
Best of both worlds then.

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I don’t think I’d ever get the go-ahead from my wife to spend £1400 on a drone that looked, to her eyes, identical to the one I already have :smiley:


I never had the go ahead from “her indoors” for my M2P from the start.
If i want it, I buy it ! :sweat_smile:
“Just coming Dear!!”


Mate… WTF?!

You NEVER reveal the actual price…



Not cheap - but if you wait a bit I’m sure there’ll be cheaper.

That’s NEW - I’d consider second hand for what you want to do.

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That goes for everything by the way. Drones, iPhones, Apple Watches, 3D printers, cars, motorbikes, beer, fags, etc :blush:

You only reveal the price when purchasing something for her :wink:


Who was it on here, who blagged to the wife he won his drone on here in a competition?


I know which side my bread is buttered… well, I do just as soon as she tells me which side anyway. :smiley:


If you buy a new one, you won’t have any bread !!

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… I also wouldn’t have anybody to tell me which side to butter my not-bread.

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I can’t find it now, but didn’t that thread start out with the guy asking about spare batteries for a drone, and ended up with him buying a completely different drone? :rofl:


I seem to recall it was for a Phantom 3?, then bought a Mavic, maybe wrong on the models.

Amen to that. “no more than your hairdresser has earned this year…”