I have just added this to the map of places to fly your drone at Drone Scene:
Land owner permission requirements unknown.
TOAL was from 52.503079 -1.666958 which is a pull-in off the road by a gate.
it allows flight across fields to view castle without infringing on owners privacy and direct land. This castle is occupied and is open to the public for viewing on certain days annually.
The originator declared that this location was not inside a Flight Restriction Zone at the time of being flown on 30/08/2021. It remains the responsibility of any pilot to check for any changes before flying at the same location.
I’ve flown here too @Steviegeek
Going through my photos and came across this. I learned a hard lesson in last years competiton when I had this photo stashed away ready to post. Then someone else visited the same place and got the entry in before me. Post your competiton entires, especially those that get dronescene points asap!
I ended up having to do a massive trek to find another castle with a moat when I already had this one in my backyard!!!
agreed I got bumped a couple of times
Looks a amazing place, is that a golf corse around it ,
It’s a lovely castle and lots of childhood memories of visiting every year. It’s privately owned and the owners are well respected. I did message them asking if I could privately photograph the castle from the grounds (as keeping vlos was difficult) but got no response which was the main reason I had held off from entering the picture. Big mistake. But I digress.
It’s open to the public only one day a year and despite being near the golf course is surrounded by trees. Unless you know it’s there. You probably wouldn’t know it was there!
Thanks for the information