Member Vero Accounts

A thread for members to share links to their accounts.

Verotruesocial is a much better platform for photographers and really going from strength to strength with some excellent drone content.

Being and may be looking very dumb what is vero.? Ps asking for a friend :joy:

It’s another social network.

It’s a platform for creatives with a good interface

How Insta was before Zuck got hold of it.

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Ah, go on then… since today is clearly the day to be arsing about on Social Media, why not add another? :wink:


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Just signed up to give it a try


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I look forward to seeing your posts :slight_smile:

Is anyone here actually using this on a regular basis? I logged back in today but finding it impossible to use. I want to start putting some of my stuff up, but the desktop app appears to be a waste of my time and not very intuitive.