Well I suppose it was inevitable that he would appear one day.
I did all my flight practice and training A2 CoC and GVC with commercial CAA issued PDRA-01 OA in my sister’s garden. It’s large with a mini orchard at the back end that leads through a back gate into a private lane. The gate is tall with tall hedging for security so you cannot see through or across into the orchard. I usually wear a yellow vest with the wording CAA registered pilot that contains a forward facing body cam when out and about doing filming. It tends to keep people away. Obviously I don’t bother wearing that gear when practicing and doing currency flights on my sister’s property. The TOAL distance in the orchard is 50m away from the neighbouring houses.
A couple of times since January the nearest neighbour, a single divorcee who my sister has had to stop encroaching and destroying the nearest boundary over the last couple of years, has shouted out from her garden “Keep the noise down please” if she hears the Mini 2 take of because she happens to be in her garden. I have just ignored her and moved the drone up and away from her garden to avoid confrontation.
So today my Mini 2 is up at around 150 ft doing practice circular and figure 8 flights over the area all within VLOS and I’m busy looking out for the high number of amateur flights from Biggin Hill coming over the area this afternoon at around 500 feet. Quite a few and the Spitfires are pretty damned noisy. You can hear those Rolls Royce Merlin engines from over a mile away.
Suddenly I hear this male voice screaming from the other side of the back gate and hedge. I can’t see a thing.
“Bring that drone down now, I’m not having it over my property. RIGHT NOW!!!
Me baffled. Totally dumb struck. Has divorcee Karen now got a Kevin boyfriend or what?
The drone is way over towards the front garden of my sister’s property. I bring the drone into land and power everything off. It takes around 2 minutes in total. I punch in the keycode security to the gate, go out round the garage, through the main gate into the narrow lane. Zilch. Voice has disappeared. I wander up and down the lane looking in the driveways for the source. Again zilch. Is this some sort of %^&^&* joke. I’ve just had my flight interrupted and he’s buggered off.
Re-locked the gate and returned to my TOAL and take off again. Within a minute the mystery voice returns and from somewhere in the back lane I hear,
“ I’ve told you to stop flying that drone. Get it down, this is your last warning. Get it down or I’ll take it down.”
Now I’m really pissed off. I accelerate the drone back into position over my sister’s land, bring the altitude down to 100 ft. and leave it on hover. I snatch my CAA laminated credentials hanging on a lanyard, swing it over my neck and go out through gate to face a late 40’s irate pompous twat who is leaning on the outer gate glaring at me.
Kevin, shouting like his lungs will burst; “You’re flying over the area and not over your property”
Me “I’m authorized to fly in this airspace, I’m over 100 feet and not over your property. I’m a CAA registered pilot”. I hold up the ID cards on the lanyard.
Kevin “I don’t care about that, that drone is not over your property. Look I can see. There it is. It’s not directly over your property.”
Me “It doesn’t need to be directly over my property.”
Kevin “I don’t want you flying your drone, it’s Sunday and I don’t want to put up with it.
Spitfire now roars over on full throttle. It doesn’t seem to bother Kevin.
Me “OK right that’s it! Call the police then”
Keven looking astonished and taken aback. Eventually recovers his composure.
“I will call the police.”
Me. “Go on, call them right now. I want them here to sort this out.”
Kevin. Opens mouth and shuts it not sure what to do.
I start to walk away leaving angry Kevin speechless. Eventually as I go through the hedge gate he calls out.
“You know you’re wrong!”
Me, slamming gate behind me. “GO AWAY!!! I needed to get back pronto, the drone was on hover and he had seriously interfered with the flight.
Continued flying until my batteries were down to 50% then packed up and went down to the house. No police and pompous twat has disappeared. A wasted afternoon. And to cap it all I’ve just read on the news an illegal drone has stopped Gatwick traffic at lunch time. Gatwick is 20 miles from here. At this rate we are going to end up being driven from the air by all and sundry.