Milton Keynes Parks Trust- enlightened drone policy

I think this was first mentioned by Amitlathia in April 2023?
Apologies if I’ve got this wrong.
Thank you! Without your post I would never have had the confidence to fly here.
Here are some of the photos I got with my Mini 3 pro yesterday.
These are from Campbell Park, Willen Lake, and Caldecott.
The 4th photo (DJI 0114) is the Milton Keynes Rose which is quite special.


Nice one! :+1:

Thank you!

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Beautiful shots - I live in MK and fly here often. I have been moved on by rangers from here and a couple of other Parks Trust bits of land. I too was unaware of the changes until really recently, I suspect via the post you referred to.

I checked as I was genuinely so surprised and yup - stick to CAA rules and you’re good to go. Which gives you about 6,000 acres to play with in MK. :star_struck: It certainly wasn’t like this when I started flying. Makes me so goddamn happy! :man_dancing:

Campbell Park is already on Dronescene. I’ll probably add some more spots in the near future as it’s most definitely legit now. :innocent: I’m even carrying a printed copy of the policy in my bag in case I’m challenged in the future!


Our Drones Policy | The Parks Trust, Milton Keynes.

I flew Campbell Park at 6AM today, not a soul in sight…


Brilliant! Very pleased for you ( and me!)
I carried a print out of the Parks Policy too when I flew there!


At least someone is working with operators and not against us.