Mini 3 Gimbal offset to the left in portrait mode

I am pretty sure I have a Gimbal issue with my New Mini 3

As you can see its pointing to the left, and it slowly drifts that way, I have done gimbal calibrations numerous times but it doesn’t correct it, in landscape it is ok

but out of interest can any other @group-mini-3-pro users have a look at their Gimbal in portrait mode

Min is normal


Thanks Mark :+1: I will contact DJI see what they say

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Good luck keep us posted, got the wide angle lens adapter arriving tomorrow, hope it’s worth the 30 quid

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Mines ok also.
Seams like you have a dodgy one

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Yours certainly doesn’t look right. It also looks fogged up.

Here’s mine …

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That was just bad reflections

Waiting on a shipping label to send it back for a new replacement :scream:

Gutted Wayne. I know how that feels too well. I am guessing there will be no charge, since this isn’t your fault?



Did you buy it from

I thought you bought it from Very just a few days ago? It should go back to them, as faulty, in return for a direct and immediate replacement?

Or did you mean you’re waiting on a shipping label from Very?

After a back and 2 with DJI, they finally agreed it was a hardware issue and they can send a brand new replacement as soon as they receive mine :scream:

Then spoke with Very (A guy from overseas) who also confirmed I can send it back free of charge for a full refund but that will probably take 14 days to complete and then I would have to reorder another :scream:

After much deliberating, I think the quickest option is DJI

So off it went to the local UPS drop off :open_mouth:

Only for me to return 20 minutes later to unpack it to remove my SD card :joy:

Not a fan of DJI today :sob:

Argo is easier :wink:

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:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: I bet you was

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Felt like the

I was gonna say get the gimp out :smile:

@SparkyFPV today Monday right , fingers crossed you’ll have your replacement for the wkd
Weathers crap all week from what I can see :man_shrugging:t2:

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Sharing home videos should be in the non-drone section Wayne


  1. 31/10/22… The drone was left at the local UPS collection point

  2. Had to go back an hour later to retrieve the SD card (luckily i had missed today’s collection) :upside_down_face:

  3. 01/11/22…Checking the tracking app it’s still not moved :scream:

  4. 02/11/22…Check the app again and again and again :scream: it’s still at the collection point :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: Drive past and call in, yeah it’s still on the shelf (12.30 pm), Sorry the van hasn’t turned up :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream:

  5. 02/11/22…17.00pm the app pings! it’s moved to Warrington :grinning: :grinning:

  6. 02/11/22…19.30 Its at Castle Donnington and has cleared customs :slightly_smiling_face:

  7. 02/11/22…21.00 Departed :laughing:

  8. 03/11/22…01.52 It has arrived at Koln :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

  9. 03/11/22…01.58 Delivery Delayed :scream: :scream: Mechanical failure! :scream: :scream:

  10. 04/11/22… 01.15 Departed to the final destination

  11. 04/11/22…11.58 It’s arrived at DJI :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

  12. 04/11/22 …13.26 DJI email says a New unit is ready for delivery

  13. 04/11/22…19.25 UPS confirms delivery for Monday 07/11/22 :smiley: :smiley:


Very thorough, Wayne. Still a good turnaround by DJI.

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DJI are bang on, they pay the express delivery and if UPS got there act together a 4 day turnaround is possible

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