Mini 3 pro through the goggles 2

Nothing really amazing here, I thought I’d post some footage taken by the mini 3 of one of the flights through the goggles 2.

I was at a loose end so I thought I’d download the firmware and get connected just out of curiosity.

There’s nothing really that amazing about the flights through the goggles for me it was just a novelty. I can’t see any gain at all.

You loose your active modes obviously
You gain some manoeuvrability but its quite slow, the footage is filmed in sport mode.
The footage itself is OK I guess, but jerky and the option for Rocksteady and horizonsteady arnt there. Needless to say there isn’t any gyro data available to use so Gyroflow is out of the question.

I don’t think I’ll be linking up again, unless somebody on here can give me a valid reason to🤷‍♂️

Here’s the footage anyway and you’ll have to him along while the vid plays because I couldn’t be bothered putting a track to it :rofl:


sub 250g FPV drone, with good flight time, good camera, stabilised, motion controller… easy to learn with… no I can’t see it working either…

… bit like when someone told me to buy shares in Vodafone back in 1998… it will never catch on

That’s the qualities of the mini 3,your right mate.

It’s literally just a novelty to fly it with the goggles.