Mini 4 Pro Raw Zoom

Noticed last night when posting the pic of tynterfield, the screen view of the controller showed the Zoom (max x3) of the shot, but the file was the full frame uncropped image.
Now i know the zoom is a digital zoom not an optical one, but images i have taken in the past have not been like this.

So this morning with drone in window i took these photos.

Jpeg 1:1

Jpeg full zoom

Raw 12mb 1:1

Raw with full zoom

above image shown on controller

Back from May two shots in Raw one zoom one not

First I thought the colision with the tree at the big meet had damaged the camera, but jpeg is not affected.

I have looked at settings on the controller and cant see anything that could affect this.
Have I (most likley) missed something here?

A firmware update may have changed the way the raw file is captured

Remember the raw is the pure image from the sensor and the zoom is just a cropped image which you can do in post

Upload the 2 raw images from May and the 2 from today

now this is another strange thing, in the windows explorer the file thumbnail looks as expected.

but when opened the second image is full frame.

here are the images.
DJI_20240804100336_0042_D.DNG (18.2 MB)
DJI_20240804100346_0043_D.DNG (18.2 MB)

and from May

DJI_20240529202639_0868_D.DNG (18.3 MB)
DJI_20240529202718_0869_D.DNG (18.3 MB)

That will be the embedded (low res) preview in the RAW … if you open in a something that opens RAW, you’ll see what the file really contains.

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