Mp2 following the havant railway line

Here,s a few shots i took,while experimenting with some settings,gradually getting better,i hope!



Is that from today?

@sparkman999 hiya Jeff these were taken on Sunday 16 Sep at about mid day. :+1:

You had sunshine :sob:

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Wall to wall sunshine most of today down here, too! :wink:

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Rain wind you know the usual anti-fly weather

Just popped to the window for this.

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Outside my window just now
Had my batteries charged for a chance over the weekend and well what a waste have my discharge set for 3days May have to up it so they get a better chance if the weather improves

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The resolution on those pics is really incredible!
Were they from RAW or the M2P’s own jpegs?

@FIREFOX Tony I like the look of the first and third rest seem to be either under or over processed in my view

I have been experimenting with the photo setting on HDR and so far like what i see.hoping to try out time-lapse and pano,s soon :+1::+1:

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Think this may be because i cut these out of a video file,made on the same flight?

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The most important thing is do you like it…
I have a problem I am too self critical of my photos most of the time…

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@OzoneVibe Dave,these were directly from the M2P’S own jpegs,so quite impressed ,so far!

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