Here,s a few shots i took,while experimenting with some settings,gradually getting better,i hope!
Is that from today?
@sparkman999 hiya Jeff these were taken on Sunday 16 Sep at about mid day.
You had sunshine
Wall to wall sunshine most of today down here, too!
Rain wind you know the usual anti-fly weather
Outside my window just now
Had my batteries charged for a chance over the weekend and well what a waste have my discharge set for 3days May have to up it so they get a better chance if the weather improves
The resolution on those pics is really incredible!
Were they from RAW or the M2P’s own jpegs?
@FIREFOX Tony I like the look of the first and third rest seem to be either under or over processed in my view
I have been experimenting with the photo setting on HDR and so far like what i see.hoping to try out time-lapse and pano,s soon
Think this may be because i cut these out of a video file,made on the same flight?
The most important thing is do you like it…
I have a problem I am too self critical of my photos most of the time…
@OzoneVibe Dave,these were directly from the M2P’S own jpegs,so quite impressed ,so far!