My DIY Ground (Base) Station project build for the DJI Mavic Pro and Inspire


I’m guessing it’s so you can really go that 500m los with utter confidence.


More work completed today.

LED battery gauge test-fit.

MDF all wrapped :+1:t2:

Lid panel now fitted in place and completely finished :+1:t2:

Front panel switch, charging point, battery gauge and relevant grommets all now permanently in place.

Twin amplifiers and battery pack hot-glued in place.

Excuse the wiring mess, this is straight out of the Titan.

I’ll wire everything up during the week.


Looking very good,i like it :+1::+1:


Different things to different people I guess…

For me, using the Inspire controller, with a CrystalSky and the Titan antenna kit attached makes it all weigh a bastard ton. You have to use a lanyard with it. Which after a while starts playing on your neck due to the weight of the whole shebang.

The other issue I’ve found, with both the Mavic and the Inspire, is that I’m constantly looking downwards - again playing havoc with my neck :roll_eyes:

So the plan here is to stand this on a tripod, at eye level!

And it means the only thing I’m then holding is the controller on it’s own, with just a single 10ft or so harness connecting the controller to the base station.

Plus, as @notveryprettyboy points out, I’ll be able to run even larger gain antennas to help me cut through all that local radio interference :innocent:

But as you guessed, and far more importantly than any personal health issues:

Priorities, right? :rofl:


Looking good young Rich


That’s looking the dog danglers there Rich!.
Have to say, I get great satisfaction out of making up them SMA type connector leads when I modded my Phantoms.
Proved to me that “I ain’t lost me touch” in fine soldering.

Why the fuck do the Yanks call it SODERING
It’s feckin Solder, always has been, always will be.
Learn English you wankers!.
Ok, rant over !.


Kudos :+1:
Looks Ace m8 - love a bit of Assemblage :slight_smile:

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Yeah me too :smiley:

To the point where it’s often the case that I spend more time making shit than I spend actually using it when done.

Case in point being my Retrostation project - again, spent longer building it than I do using it :roll_eyes:

Still, it keeps me off the streets eh :blush:


Me too :+1:

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TBH , looking at Rich’s build of the above, I now need to look at a Completely Universal answer to what my needs are.
For a start it has got to be able to handle all scenarios for me.
That means it has to be backward compatible for all my drones.
Going to be a head scratcher!,
Got to be able to mix 2.4 ghz, 5.8 ,and Ocusync, all in the one box!.
Multiple Charge Voltages are going to be the issue.
Looking at a switch pack system to allow this, with an Electronic Voltage selector to safely manage things.
I’ll have to change most of my old antenna connectors over to the QMA type, but have shit loads of various cables to allow this to happen.
Like Rich, need to get my head around a layout of things.
But my case would have to be sizeably bigger to accommodate all the kit.
All said and done, Rich that’s a stonking looking station mate !, hope the rest goes well.


Inspired by your work I’ve made a groundstation too:


I’m pleased to see you’re prototyping in cardboard first :+1:t2:

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Looks like a prototype laptop in a Pizza box?.


Is it part of a set?


Love it Joe !,I was only joking ya know !

Which model is that @JoeC, Domino’s or Papa John’s? :thinking:

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You know that carbon vinyl running the opposite way is going to play havoc with your OCD even if the CS is hiding it :wink::smile:

I bought this stuff from China, looks the real deal and was only £8 for a roll 1.5m x 50cm.


@PingSpike I’m brooding for a build now…:see_no_evil:


You got a link Richard?