My drone footage shared on Alan Titchmarsh Sunday morning Tv show

I’ve just had my drone footage showcased on the Alan Titchmarsh Sunday morning show (Love your weekend) :sunglasses: this link is to the full video


Congratulations on your new Celebrity badge :star_struck:


I’m glad you got some airtime.

Did you get paid?

The reason I am asking is that I have been approached numerous times now by commercial companies who are wanting to use some of my footage in their programs but are not willing to pay for it.

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Unfortunately no but we came to an agreement that they would not use my actual name I wanted them to name my company which they did :pray:t2:

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I’d have wanted the same ‘agreement’ the Titchmarsh gets, i.e paid for his work.

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because so many hobbyist pilots give it away for free :+1:t2:

commercial droning is a race to the bottom unfortunately.

even more so now you don’t need a PfCO.


Congrats Tony, had an email off them this week myself, perhaps one of our video from last year will be on, fingers crossed…


Well done Suzanne :sunglasses:
I had four shared last year on there :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:

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Thanks, I have some catching up to do then :wink:

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