My drone photos are hanging in the conference room of the Marriot Hotel in Liverpool

Not an actual picture but 3 of my drone images now hanging nicely in the confrence room of the Marriot Hotel in Liverpool. All taken using the mini 4 pro with post editing added.


Well done they look great :slight_smile:


well done, always good to see images in print

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Thanks Mark


Thanks David as you say Its nice to see them in print,


You should be super proud,they look great.


Well done Barry :clap: Hope they paid you well for them.


Great job, super images. gives a bit of a rush when they appear n public. I remember when my first article was published in a national magazine with my images. I spotted it in a newsagent’s and was absolutely stoked. Very proud of myself.


Please tell us you got paid for the gig


Same question did you get paid ?


Yes I did! It was about £60 if I remember.

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Is that it?? I might have to rethink my retirement plans. What do you think the going rate should be for a fully edited video and stills package for a client?

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I’d be looking at what pro wedding photogs charge. Its not just the time spent taking the photos/video, there’s also the cost of equipment, insurance, time spent processing and of course the cost of the software. I done some paid work many years ago and it’s not for me. Too much pressure and too much stress!!! Intake photos for my own enjoyment But if someone wanted to buy any of my crap, I’d be going in at pro prices. Media companies now are getting most of their stuff for free from their readers who aren’t clever enough to ask for payment, or are just happy enough with the bragging rights.


Well done , great job

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Thanks Biyan

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More than most will pay unfortunately

It’s a race to the bottom

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Oh I fully agree with those replies, I learn fast and am already seeing that there is a tiny market for this kind of thing. And there are too many people doing it. I will carry on regardless as I enjoy expressing myself via my films, the main reason I do it is the music. I am basically creating visual content to put to music I like.

Looking online I see wedding prices are around 200 to 350 quid. I can earn that in 6 hours on a weekend doing some additional work in my day job where I sit at a warm desk and scroll through emails, with none of the grief or pressure, so I too am being very selective.

Residential short films are where it’s at - 30 - 45 mins filming, the same to compile and edit, all enjoyable as done at own time and pace, job done. I would do a house - so 4 to 5 min video, along with a load of stills, then give it all over on a memory stick for around £60. Looking at what others are offering online (£250 ish) that is my USP, i.e I am prepared to do it for peanuts.


Interesting approach to running a business…maybe think about how you could sell VALUE not COMMODITY.
£60 wouldn’t by two pizzas and a beer!!!

Winning (ahem) business at stupidly low rates is not a selling point, it’s a waste of time or a pocket money approach. I ran a $22M business unit and my R&D operating budget was calculated as a fixed percentage of my software and services sales revenue. My product would simply just die if I sold at the lowest price - that’s not winning, it’s a race to the bottom! I always tried to focus to sell VALUE first by taking time to understand then solve the clients problem And the most basic function is understanding costs. Placing a £0 value on one’s time, skills, reputation, post-edit productivity, equipment costs and depreciation, is not really being fair to yourself.


Hi Chris yes I did get paid for the images.

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