National Trust Policy Correspondence

The police if called would probably go down the route of a section 5 public order offence.

presumably police only called if you stand and argue the toss and tell them to f off …if you just say ok send me the fine that would be it … no?

Whether you pay the fine or not I guess is a different civil matter …


If they phone the police and use any of the 3 magic words, they will attend, without even having to engage with you

Why would the police be involved? National Trust property is private, owned by the NT. The bylaws aren’t those used by councils enforceable by the police, they are bylaws of a charity. Surely it’s a civil matter?

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There is a real conundrum for the NT here. If say you were approached by a NT member of staff outside of their land boundary all you have to do is land in your own time and leave. They have no powers to demand your name. No powers to detain and if they take your number plate, pass that to the police and then there is absolutely no proof whatsoever that you’ve broken any of their rules. And that’s assuming the police can even be arsed to follow it up. And even if you were to stick around and wait for the plod in order to legally gain your details they have to have reasonably articulable suspicion that’s either have, are about to or are in the middle of committing a crime and a NT staff members say so is not reasonable suspicion.

Gone off on a. bit of a tangent there haven’t I? :smiley: :smiley:


i think the police would have to be convinced there really is a public order offence taking place even if they did turn up …

Do you really think Plod wants the extra paperwork when there is no evidence of an actual public order offence ? I certainly can’t.

Just remain polite and talk about things … if you kicked off then fine maybe PC Plod would do something but beyond that i doubt it …

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If the NT staff claim to be either harassed, distressed or alarmed by your actions they will attend

It’s the 2nd quickest way to get police attendance to any situation

See above.

Now you’re just making it up … yes they might go batshit crazy … they might bring out a gun and shoot someone however if everyone is polite none of this will happen …

The probability of it happening if you remain polite and don’t argue is very very low …

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You misunderstand, the NT staff don’t even need to engage with you.

If they fell harassed, alarmed or distressed by your actions then they can call the police, and you can be charged with a public order offence.

I’m never anything other than nice, I deal with dickheads and conflict everyday at work I don’t need it in my down time.


I will bear that in mind …thank you …

It works both ways.

If you want the police to come out for any reason mention those 3 magic words.

For a faster response tell them they have a gun.


And for the ultimate in fast responses mention you have coffee and doughnuts. :smirk:


And someone is breaking lockdown rules.


One more thought. The CAA do absolve themselves of a bit of responsibility when they say that they regulate except where local byelaws exist.

But the bylaws are those of a charity on their private land. No different, for example, to the rules you agree to when walking into a football ground. Nowt to do with the CAA.

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Very true and in 2016 central Government made the process of applying for or amending an existing byelaw far easier by removing the need to go to the Secretary of State for Communities & Housing and passed the responsibility over whatever local council was involved. I think to a certain extent the National Trust have been caught asleep at the wheel here and now hopefully see the need to start playing catch up.

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Well done Phil!
Malcolm Kemp

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Surely if they think they own the airspace above their land then every airline would have to apply for permission every time they wanted to overfly! How much NT land does an average polar route transatlantic flight cross? They’re making a song and dance about drones yet I don’t think they’d object to a light aircraft passing overhead at 2000ft even if you were taking photos from it.


You should probably read the whole thread…:grin:

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