Portsmouth or Southsea Naval memorial on Southsea Common
The originator declared that this location was not inside a Flight Restriction Zone at the time of being flown on 02/08/2024. It remains the responsibility of any pilot to check for any changes before flying at the same location.
Can’t disagree with the respect thing, though last time I flew it, which was about 10 years ago I couldn’t resist flying straight up the main tower right next to it ! My visits to Southsea are quite sporadic, but I went EUCing (Electric unicycle) down there a couple of years ago, and visited it again, but saw several ‘no drones’ signs were up on the monument noticeboard and surrounding verges. Perhaps they are gone now ?
There was a FRZ present during the recent D Day celebrations, with several ‘ No Drone ‘ notices displayed around Southsea Common and on the seafront itself. However, these have been removed and no restrictions are ( currently ) in force. Totally agree with the comments regarding treating the War Memorial with respect…especially as members from my family are listed on there!
It’s interesting that people seem to consider proximity somehow related to the amount of respect one has for the monument. I can quite see how it might be disrespectful to go ripping through the arches at 70 mph on some mad FPV rig, but a discrete, quiet little sub-250 ascending gently alongside the tower in order to show the wider public the very best views of it ? Not seeing the disrespect there, (presuming we have waited until the site is empty and there aren’t people obviously paying their respects)…