New high speed drone frame

Looks a lot like this speed record breaking drone from the Dutch father/son duo - will likely give a go at building one in the near future :slight_smile: - ‘landing’ those things gonna require loads of forethinking :smiley:

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That’s a really nice looking project. :ok_hand:

Keep up posted if you go for it! :grin:

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The frame just arrived (Kudos to CNC Drone - 5 days from order to delivery - from Canada :open_mouth: )

Frame is light and minimalist as you’d expect - and then there is a massive 250g of TPU bits :smiley:

Glad this video came out as it is for sure different to the regular quads I have been building till now :slight_smile:

All the parts are on order - should hopefully get everything for the end of the month :crossed_fingers:


Only missing the props and the batteries (should arrive this week :crossed_fingers: ) - time to make a start :rocket: :slight_smile:


now available from the iFlight european store… no more excuses :wink: