Night flight over industrial Estate

Taken using M2P over Sundon Park outside of Luton’s flight path


These are great, I really love night drone shots, just need to pluck up the courage to do some of my own someday.

Nothing to it. But daytime recce to look for obstacles around and above your TOAL location. I tend to fly directly straight up to ideal height buzz around safely and then use a small light on floor nearby to use to locate landpoint. Hover high above my location and then, come straight back down. Had some close calls returning back at different angles. Keep it simple and safer

Thanks for the tips. I have quite a large industrial site nearby that should look really good late evening all lit up. Just need a good TOAL location away from prying eyes.

Fit a good Cree light and you’ll still be able to see it in the sky at distance, more for your benefit than others, most people tend not to look up at night, just bear in mind metal structures /buildings and trees can restrict transmission reception. Things you would see during daylight to avoid will be useless at night. Find a good TOAL point with good visibility during the day, try a test flight if needed and then return at night, knowing comfortably your good to fly. What drone are you using?

Mini 3 Pro now, just upgraded to it.

Hi Dren, are there any good cree lights you would personally recommend?

I know I’m not Dren, but search in here for Cree Strobon. And don’t forget that as you’re a paid up member you can get a discount through GADC


I’m sure any form of LED light not just Cree, would work. I had one Cree yonks ago, lost it somewhere and then opted for a cheaper solution, mine are about 10mm x 15mm in size, small very light and just cable tied to rear legs or body when I use the. Got them from Amazon or eBay.

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Thanks guys, sorry for the late reply I dont get email notifications. Appreciate the help from you both.