No more Flock Insurance

Crazy short notice, but Flock Insurance are to stop offering commercial drone insurance after tomorrow.

Details on their website:


Which leaves a nice gap in the market for another company to offer a by-the-hour service.

I think that was Flocks only USP? :thinking:

Nice little app too…

This has annoyed me as I used flock for all my commercial drone work.

The writing was on the wall when they pulled the plug on the app a while back.

The web page made it more and more difficult to get a quote and cover while in the field.

I changed from Flock to Coverdrone a while back. To be fair their app works great, it is a shame they don’t do by the hour. I average around £11 for each job I’ve done lately.

So has some of you here may have heard on the 1st of December Flock stopped offering commercial insurance, does anyone here know of any other good pay per flight basis commercial drone insurance companies?

Moved your post to the existing thread on the topic. :+1:

Can you share a link to their app I can’t seem to find it

Sorry for the delay Alex