Thought Id share my latest project with you lot. A few days ago after having to make repairs on a shredded wrap on my Air 3 I decided enough was enough.
With 3 months still remaining on my warranty I decided to put the £50 odd cost of a new wrap towards some paint, decent masking tape and an airbrush kit instead.
Has since been left in my cupboard under the stairs at 30 degrees (with a file server) for several days to make sure the paint is completely dry.
What a difference getting the drone out of the bag without having to inspect and stick a wrap back down to it. Will see how durable it is. Maybe
eventually the Mini 3 pro will get the same treatment
Yeh not cheap but I decided the worst that could happen is I mess up the paint job and have to wrap it again I was motivated to get it right.
Matching controller crossed my mind but I wasnt sure about the wear and tear from holding it. Im happy enough just the drone for now. I also left the batteries.
I would prefer to paint my drone than wrap it, I’m used to painting things in my other hobby, model railways, so it’s my default setting. You’ve made a neat job superior to a wrap, which will always have an edge showing, and be prone to peeling. You’re going to be handling it and it will be out in all sorts of temperatures and humidities, so Raider’s advice is good; laquer or varnish will protect the paint, which will protect the drone, win-win. I suspect da-glo and reflective paints are more effective than wraps as well.
All that said, I’ll probably leave my Mini 2 SE in it’s natural plastic finish. I’m not convinced that flourescent paint is effective in all conditions, and I have fitted a Strobon led that is pretty good at aiding me in picking the little so-and-so out after glancing at the screen. But I have to admit your paint job looks bloody good!
Thanks for the opinions and advice. Happy to see all positive
The drone has made two trips in my bag and still looks spot on. Nothing has rubbed off into the bag and no scrapes.
Saying that Ive just ordered a bottle of laquer from the same brand as the primer to give me the option. Really not sure about the controller but if I did anything I might go with a darker grey or black.
The high vis orange is a game changer for the spots I fly personally. But I get it. Its all dependant on the operators eyesight, conditions and sky colour etc… I had an orange mavic pro back in 2018 where it all started. I have strobes too but have only used them twice. I dont fly with the strobes in the rivers or shipping channels.
People that said to laquer the paint were spot on. Thanks for the advice. I did manage to cause a few chips as although the arms have rubber stoppers where they contact the body when folded there is a bit more movement due to the drone being carried in a backpack. Luckilly I was able to carefully mask off and touch up these areas.
I then gave the drone two coats of gloss laquer which has had the added benefit of bringing out more shine for even more visibility
After two extensive days of testing I felt it was safe to carry out the same process today for the Air3S. It just doesnt feel right flying a grey drone any more. And the birds do love the grey ones
Update on the existing Air3 with the paint job done several months ago. There are small chips and marks but you have to inspect it closely, but I take the drone out of the bag and Im not sticking a wrap back down before I can fly. Its a win for me.