Noob needs a tiny copter

Looking for an indoor FPV platform for capturing semi-cinematic footage, with the least amount of post-processing.

I saw @Jord recently got the Pavo Femto from BetaFPV, which looks terrific, however I’m not convinced of the video quality vs something like a GoPro. Not even sure that the O4 Pro is quite on par, though it might just about do.

Has anyone got a platform recommendation that they use?

I’m still in the same boat myself to be honest. The Femto is something I’ll take to the park just for a laugh now and then or fly round the house to annoy the cat, plus cheap enough not to worry about it. Don’t ever see myself using the footage from it.

Personally think the difference between the O4 Pro and an action cam is negligible.

The Pavo Pico might be one to look at, £85 and the installation of the O4 Pro looks an absolute breeze. Seen this chaps video on it:

Also I expect we’ll see some more O4 Pro Cinewhoops hit the market soon.

What equipment do you have at the moment? Video, control, etc?

I have nothing outside of the DJI ecosystem, with the DJI-RC being the latest controller I own.

I’ve read that the Pavo20 Pro is soon to get an O4 Pro hud mount, or I could 3D print one. Certainly looks like great value for money compared to the home-made drones I built 10 years ago with parts from Hobbyking.

Do you have FPV experience? Actually flying manual mode, acro, etc?

O4 is very good for this. I have been using the Neo inside (which has O4), but with the Motion controller it occasionally freaks out. I suspect that may be less of an issue with the FPV Controller 3 in manual mode as all the sensors will be switched off.

In the past I’ve been using Walksnail, the 1S VTX on a custom 75mm whoop with the Pro camera, the smaller ones are terrible inside. Then whatever the SPI RX on the whoop FC supported as a control link, actually FrSky, but now updated to ELRS. Using Gyroflow for stabilisation.

I’m looking to switch that custom WS whoop to the O4 lite. At that point I may even use the DJI control signal and ditch FrSky and ELRS. What I will have then is a Neo quality image on an even lighter weight quad with more control and the ability to put the footage through Gyroflow for more control. Rocksteady seems to have issues…

I’d be looking at the O4 lite, not the Pro. And the N3 goggles are great so far… (I only got them yesterday…)

I have some manual mode experience from a short while ago - of course I’ll get into the sim.

The O4 Pro, with SD card slot is a necessary evil for me. Whilst I appreciate it’s not the same sort of drone, I regularly fill up 120GB SD cards with footage in the Mini 3 Pro. I can also see the improved sensor size and ISO being of great use for indoor flight.

The N3 goggles look great and are certainly up for consideration. I could likely use the DJI control signal if I bought a remote, though I think the RadioMaster Pocket (ELRS) is more than sufficient.

The O4 Pro is quite a bit heavier…

I’m sure you’d be fine with the O4 lite… grabbing the video off it should be fast. It is on the Neo.

Possibly, weight will have to be a consideration. If the storage on the Lite was 64GB it would likely do for the most part. I maybe need to be a little more selective with my shots :grin:.