Norham Castle - Added to English Heritage in North East

I have just added this to the map of places to fly your drone at Drone Scene:

Land owner permission requirements unknown.

Dating from the 12th century, Norham castle was built to defend against attacks from Scotland, just across the river Tweed. Blount Island lies in the middle of the river.
English Heritage now defends the castle…
There is limited free parking outside the gates, and further up the road towards the side of the castle, What3Words: majors.trials.earmarked or piles.ranches.evaporate

The originator declared that this location was not inside a Flight Restriction Zone at the time of being flown on 13/02/2023. It remains the responsibility of any pilot to check for any changes before flying at the same location.


Thanks for the recent additions @mollin :smiley:

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The pleasure’s all mine @PingSpike, I had a great couple of days in the borders…

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I want to fly here @mollin, but there are no parking or take off and landing markers. Would you be able to add some to the map please?

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Hi @Tonski, it looks as though you’re quite new here :wave:t2:

Why not nip over to the Introductions page, and say hello properly and tell us a bit about yourself. :+1:t2:

Hi @Tonski.
What3Words locations are provided for parking, please see the text.
TOAL from a public area outside the castle grounds, when and if safe and legal to do so.
There is also a public footpath down to the riverside. The path is a few metres down the road from the castle gates, toward Norham.
Please check English Heritage drone policy before flying.
You can use the OS Maps app to check for footpaths.
Enjoy your flight!

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Thanks Mollin appreciate your mail
Regards, Tonski

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