Northern Lights 'red alert' as chances of seeing Aurora Borealis 'likely' (September 2023)

Anyone able to capture anything on their drone this week? :thinking: :star_struck:


Too busy in a grumping thread lol

Seriously though would be nice to capture that. I would love to see it one day as it would be fantastic.

I did think about heading out last night, but Aurora Watch wasn’t showing much activity.

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Funny you should post this. I came out of work last night at 22.00 and the the moon was bright and the sky clear. So took the long way home, up Morecambe prom, ( always try to have the camera and drone in the car ). Did i see it. No effin chance.

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The only times it’s been visible from the East Midlands, I’ve either been in bed, or had a few pints, so not willing to drive a few miles into the countryside, or there’s been cloud cover. Would be marvellous to see though :wink:

We’ve been in Scotland for the past two weeks. Kept getting the alerts but not a single clear night so no luck.

You experienced being Scottish perfectly, rare astronomical phenomenon, yep time for rain or heavy clouds :sweat_smile:

Yes, ironically they’ve been seen very well from home in the Peak District