NorthWest meetup - Early Jan 2025

I know there was a northwest meetup planned but unfortunately cancelled. is there enough people wanting one for after the new year maybe? assuming the weather is fair?

Maybe more around say preston as more easy for everyone to access? or even Garstang or something / blackpool? maybe get some votes going?

update: Note, this isnt me hijacking and taking over an event planning that the last person did, more of a bump to get the gears turning ready for the next one, happy for the person who sorted the last one to sort again. :slight_smile:


Yep, Preston, garstang Blackpool, Lancaster good for me.


That would be great am in.

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New Year’s Day is good for me - told by wifey we have the pleasure of her mother that day :unamused:

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Yep up for that.
I don’t see any hijacking going on, feel free to try and organise a meet when ever you feel you want to.


You could invite her along, picnic and all that.:sunglasses:

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Good reason to go out to a drone meet. :rofl:

Me too, assuming permissions are granted by my better half!! :sweat_smile:

or just go out for that matter :+1:

Sounds good to me, New Years Day hubby is taking the MiL home, so I am free for the day and will be glad to get out and about… So where are we meeting then?

My BBC weather forecast not promising for nyd, however as always subject to change as time progresses. However if suitable I suggest a later time to allow for alcohol to clear from eve’s festivities.


How do these things normally work best? Presumably weekend to allow for work for people and ensuring this day time flying? Rather than in the dark?


Closest weekends in the new year are as follows:

sat 4th Jan
sun: 5th Jan

sat: 11th Jan
sun:12th Jan

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I work every sat until 12.00 . If you are there for the day can make afternoon but sunday’s is my day off.

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Seems I can do a poll. step 1. well pick a day. step 2 well pick a time.

  • SATURDAY: 4th Jan
  • SUNDAY: 5th Jan
  • SATURDAY: 11th Jan
  • SUNDAY: 12th Jan
  • ANY
0 voters

See how this goes? advice welcome.

I’ve ticked any, however weather a trifle unsettled at for next couple of weeks, maybe the later weekend may provide better flying conditions, or on the other hand might not. Need to watch the forecast.

depending where the meet is i could be tempted if not working

@leonteale are you continuing with this. Do you have any ideas for a location.