Old man sits on a tree stump and attempts Dolly Zoom

Talk about patting your head and rubbing your stomach, this is going to require a lot more practice before I can look up from the screen and do it by instinct. Nowhere near as good as others on here but I was pleased when it actually happened for the split seconds that it did.

Probably turn off the obstacle avoidance next time.
Mini 3 Pro.


Interesting effect :+1:

What is actually happening there?
Are you flying away whilst zooming the camera type of thing?
Either way, I like the effect. Something i need to try.

Exactly that, flying backwards while zooming in.

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Is Dolly Zoom, what it’s actually called?

I believe so…

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One of the pre sets on the Mavic 2 Zoom.

Had a go at this last year, didn’t turn out too bad and once mastered can really mess with your head :+1:t3:


Really impressive that @Kings, nice one :clap: :clap:

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…also known as a ‘contra-zoom’ (but I always call it the Jaws shot)

Jaws is also how I know the effect but believe Hitchcock used it in Vertigo.


Also there was no way I was going to do a fly forward for the effect, didn’t want a face full of props :laughing:


Neat effect Onanist. An easier way to replicate the effect is to simply fly backwards, then zoom in using key frames in your editing software. Here`s a short video tutorial from Youtube.

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